From Cheltenham:-
Take the Evesham Road out of Cheltenham, A435, past the Cheltenham Racecourse. At the roundabout after Smiths Industries turn left for Evesham, and at the next roundabout, past Zurich Insurance, turn left for Stoke Orchard and Tredington. This road takes you through the village of Stoke Orchard and on to Tredington. Our farmhouse is the first house on the left once you have past the sign for the village of Tredington. It is a half timbered black and white house down a long tree lined drive.
From M5 and Tewkesbury:-
Leave the motorway at exit 9, signed Tewkesbury. Take the by-pass round Tewkesbury heading for Gloucester. This is the A38. About 0.5 miles along the dual carriageway there is a pub called the Odessa on the left hand side. Turn left at the pub, signed Tredington. Our farmhouse is about 1 mile from the pub, the last house on the right hand side of the village street, set back off the road, down a long tree lined drive.